11/2/2011 0 Comments RELATIONSHIPKali~Ma I have but one question...if I continue with this relationship between myself and------, does it have a future?
Or are our beliefs on the human level too much of a volatile clash, for the strong connection at the energetic level to be able to push through. I feel I have entered with open eyes and heart, but -------is so strongly enmeshed in the past and old beliefs! There is no right or wrong answer. One is never in the wrong relationship with another, only with their self! If the relationship has challenging aspects it is reflecting back unto you, your own inner struggles. That is the gift of growth it brings to you both. So in fact this relationship is a most beauteous thing. A relationship is never static for it is in fact a living entity. The intermingled energy of the relationship is flavored by those who share the relationship; you can either pollute or perfume the energy; but while it has energy it is alive with potential. When there is no energy there is NO relationship! The relating is not to be judged, it is as it is. Even in a relationship that is violent and hurtful one is gifted to delve to the depths of their own vulnerability to heal, and simultaneously empowered to assert and love thy self! The greatest diminishing factor in relationship is that it can take you away from oneness. One may have so many expectations of the other, which then is not of love, but a need to and for control. It comes from the fear that this relationship cannot supply all one needs, and in fact it cannot, and is not intended to do so. In ONENESS one is in relationship with all there is no separation. The other cannot complete you or make you a harmonious whole. When one is in true harmony with their being, then they can be in Harmony with all. You have certainly stated the trigger to your disharmony BELIEFS! These differing BELIEFS are they truth and if they are the truth for you; must they be the truth to the other? Beliefs are not instrumental to love or loving, they are of fear and control. Yes it is easy to be so philosophical but when in physical form beliefs gyrate to the energy field and when held most firmly to they become missiles of attack. Now you must ask yourself…………………. · If my beliefs are the truth for me~ is that not enough? · Who am I trying to convince? · Why do I expect the other to share the same belief? · If I cannot accept that they believe differently to me? · Why is it that I want to change them? · If I want to change them, how can I then say I love who they are? · Is it only the illusion of relationship that I am willing to love? See in Fact when you cannot accept the other; it too is a part of you who you are in fact rejecting. What you may be experiencing at this time with your partner is the shedding of the past. As one soul such as yourself endeavors’ to grow and is awakening you shed your past. As you shed your past as you move more fully into clarity, the other will hold tightly to their story. This is not necessarily to be deemed bad; disruptive perhaps, but do not judge it as bad! This rigid clinging to the past is often the first steps to the clearing. It may in fact be you who is reacting to his past? What is difficult to recognize at times is that two souls who are magnetically drawn to each other, are both vibrating at the same level of consciousness. It may not appear as that to you because you want to think you are so different. But you have come together like pieces of a jig saw puzzle, with both of you bringing different views different skills to the table of your relationship. As you said there is a volatile clash; now this could not occur if you were in inner harmony! Clash takes two and is totally reactive; it is not harmonious response. It feels that you both have equal input into this clash. If you do have love for each other, if the beauty and the wonder is seeded in the relationship, then spend time honouring that in the other and within the relationship. “Yes it comes down to gratitude and Grace.” Practice gratitude for the other, respect and appreciation for the other. See the beautiful qualities in the other as being also within you. Pay the other compliments, be attentive, and listen respectfully to their point of view without needing to enforce your perspective further. I f you give this gracefully from the heart you may just be surprised and receive it back. When one does not have the same vibration of consciousness as you, does not make them out of synch with you. See in what areas of their being, physical, family, career, and life skills that their vibration may be higher than yours and learn thus from them. As you embrace what it is you have come together to enhance, not enforce in the other! The relationship will either blossom or come to an end but it will have served its justful and divine purpose. BE THE LOVE, BELOVED 11:2:2011
6/2/2011 0 Comments TRUST *I would like to start my own healing practice but have a mild disability, and fear judgment, so I procrastinate starting. What need I do?
When you hold out your hands you see naught but a pair of empty hands, yet in fact they are never empty. In your hands lies the key to all there is! While your body breathes breath, your very hands are potent channels of divine energy. In your hands, indeed in every cell of your being is power divine. You transmit and receiver energy continually, it behoves you to become aware of this, Your whole being is potential in form and without form; until you can see this as divine truth; you are idle, laid barren to the divine mind. You are no less, nor greater than the greatest of all mortal creators. This is your birth entitlement. You are as powerful and complete as Michael Angelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein, or Madam’ Curie. When your internal judgement ceases, purpose is found. You may be physically disabled or infirm yet your potential, your purpose is no less. This is the power of being; this is in the breath unsown. Your seeding is vitally apparent to us. 6/2/2011 0 Comments SELF DOUBT and FAITH I feel I am blocked creatively and dont know why, am I just lazy?
This is expression but not creative expression, it is an expression of a lack~ Yes “A lack of Faith!” To be of and in faith ~ your master soul will sorely test you. This seemed testing is a throwing of the gauntlet, a dare to accept more of the truth of your essence. To step up! The more evolved the soul, oft’ the more dour the testing. A shaking of your faith very much like an emotional earth quake! After each tremor you right your being in alignment with all that is; as you realign more wholly to the source, there is a dynamic of strengthening. A forging of your spirit in the furnace of life! This is not as in surviving, but in a thriving a flourishing of. You are now deeply into this process of righting! Trusting in this is in itself a strengthening of Faith. You need no further question your motives the why too and wherefores. Just reestablish equilibrium, you and only you, know what measures this shall take. If it means at that you spend time reclusively hiding away from external chaos that is fine. When you are freed from external disruption you can become aware of your internal disruption; there are times when all need to experience this quieted space to level their beingness to synchronize to the vibration of source. As in the aftermath of a cyclone, clearing and rebuilding will take place; but if your home was battered and laid bare by a cyclone, the wise being would rethink the design of their new structure. Would they not? Yes they would rebuild, but in constructing their new home they would aim to make it resistant as possible to further cyclones. So in fact this is what is taking place right now; throwing yourself into frenzied activity is not the answer. You are rethinking your structure! This does not mean you are not of love. True love is not always an outwardly display or manifestation of lovingness. Just as not all creativity is an outward display of art; your greatest masterpiece is you! The beauty on the inside, the kindness of thought, the depth of compassion, may not be visible to all, but that does not mean they are not being polished and honed to perfection! There is a time and a season for all things; this is the rhythmic cycle of all human existence. The wheel turns, with each turn there is another cycle of existence. People speak of past lives but in fact each turn of the wheel is a past life; a turn might be a lifetime, a month, or merely within a breath. Awakening is not in fact as many assume, one great yawn and one is wide awake! It is myriad of sleep, sleeping and awakenings from each dream. You actually are dreaming yourself awake! Each time the eyes are shocked open you are reinvented afresh renewed. How wondrously glorious this is. Is this not true creativity? So in doubting yourself, the questioning of in critical judgment of how you should be in the world, who you should be, how you should appear, what you should or should not have done or do is indeed an expression of lack. This is the antithesis of the creative force, not the leaving aside of a paintbrush. You as a human have endured immense trials and tribulations; would you be so unkind to a friend who had undergone extensive physical surgery? So see this time as a time of recuperation from extensive soul surgery. Your heart is being blasted, exquisitely burst open; let say a quadruple bypass to your wisdom heart. It is fine and all will be well, be the peace. Rest and abide in me. |
Kali~MaI work as metaphysical counsellor therapist and spirit medium. From childhood I have had the gifts of clairaudiance, clairvoyance, and clairsentience. I am also a Divine channel, spirit~artist, sound healer/musician , hypnotherapist, and a master yoga instructor. I have been trained in many forms of therapy including dream work, voice dialogue, body work and world meditation . ArchivesCategories |